Dr. Malgieri is a seasoned surgeon at Foster Vet Clinic. Check out her bio in the "Meet the Team" tab! She offers the following surgeries:
- Spays and neuters
- Mass removals
- Eyelid cyst excisions
- Cystotomy
- Laceration repair
- Amputations
- Abscess drainage
- Hematoma repair
- Caesaerean section
- Pyometra spay
- Urinary catheter placement
- Cherry eye correction
- Biopsies
- Stenotic nares correction
- Vulvoplasty
Pre Anesthetic Testing: We recommend blood work for all patients under one year old and require it for all patients over 1 year of age to screen for underlying conditions that could affect anesthesia.
Senior Pets: Chest radiographs and complete blood work, urinalysis, and fecal parasite testing are required to find underlying diseases more prevalent in older pets. This aids us in administering the safest anesthesia possible.
Spay and Neuter: Scheduling your pet's spay or neuter at their very first wellness visit gives ample time to find the proper date to schedule their procedure. We perform procedures at our clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Microchip: Petlink microchip can be implanted at a scheduled visit or during your pet's surgical procedure.
No Cosmetic Procedures: We do not crop ears, declaw, or dock tails.
What to Expect
Presurgical visit: About one week prior to surgery we will examine your pet, go over the paperwork, and answer any questions.
At home: You will take away food and water after midnight the evening before surgery. Remember to close toilets, take up other pet's food and leash walk dogs in the morning.
Morning of Surgery: When your pet arrives at the clinic we will place an intravenous catheter to facilitate fluid administration and pain free medication injections. We will shave a front leg for the catheter so we can clean the area prior to placement.
During Surgery: We monitor oxygenation, carbon dioxide levels, ECG, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and anesthesia depth. We may shave a small area on the pinna (ear flap) for sensor placement.
Local Anesthesia: A local anesthetic will be administered when appropriate to reduce pain and allow lighter general anesthesia.
Laser Therapy: Used after surgery to reduce swelling and help speed the healing process for most surgeries.
Post Op: When your pet is able to stand and walk on their own we will call you to pick him/her up. This will likely be between 4-6 pm.
Home Care Post OP: We offer post surgical body suits, inflatable collars, and Elizabethan collars (cone of shame) to prevent pets from traumatizing the surgery site. Your pet will also go home with sedation and pain-relieving medications.